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    Thanks to its proximity to the Sierra Nevada foothills’ gold mines, the San Joaquin Valley’s fertile soil, 美洲河, and San Francisco’s bustling financial center, 萨克拉门托 was awarded the title of California state capital in 1854. 的 city has always been serious about government and agriculture, 但在过去的二十年里, it’s nurtured its cosmopolitan side. 艺术壁画, 第三波咖啡店, 嘻哈音乐休息室, and ultramodern wine bars populate 萨克拉门托’s tree-shaded streets, and the city’s cultural and culinary venues match those of California’s bigger cities.


    An elegant neoclassical structure with an imposing 128-foot dome, California’s 州议会大厦 是1869年的建筑杰作吗. 在一个 免费导览, visit the Senate Gallery and Assembly Room and glimpse how California’s government works while you admire the details of this ornately crafted building, like the California poppy designs in the 意大利 mosaics on the second floor, and the cast-iron grizzly bears baring their teeth on the rotunda ceiling. 有很多东西要看, but don’t miss the portraits of California’s governors, including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronald Reagan, and save time to tour the grounds. Surrounding the gleaming building is 国会公园,绿草如茵,历史悠久 玫瑰花园 featuring more than 140 varieties, carefully tended 山茶花花园 (萨克拉门托 calls itself “the camellia capital of the world”), bronze statues honoring California’s veterans, and squirrels hoping your pockets are filled with peanuts.


    Step back in time—about 170 years—with a stroll along 老国王的 木制人行道. 的 cobblestone streets of the city’s riverfront corridor look like a set from a Hollywood western, but these buildings are the real deal, many of them dating back to the 1849 淘金热. Located on Front Street between the I Street bridge and Tower Bridge over the 萨克拉门托 River, Old Sac’s wooden Victorians house an eclectic collection of candy stores, 纪念品商店, 和博物馆. 的 萨克拉门托历史博物馆 displays 淘金热 artifacts and offers underground tours and ghost tours of the historic district. 萨克拉门托’s legacy as the transcontinental railroad’s western headquarters is documented at the California State Railroad Museum, home to 19 lavishly restored 1860s locomotives and dozens of railroad cars, from miniature-scale versions to full-size. 在 Central Pacific Railroad passenger station, climb aboard a restored passenger train for a 45-minute ride along the river (April to September).


    Get a taste of East 萨克拉门托’s foodie panache at 佳能, an oasis of creative shared plates, craft cocktails, and bold global flavors. Everything is elevated here, from the dining room’s soaring ceiling to the cutting-edge menu. 还记得土豆吗? 在这里点,这里的厨师 布拉德这套 employs 60-plus ingredients to create his mole-topped version. Many dishes are rooted in Mexican cuisine, but you’ll also find Southeast Asian and North African influences. Locally grown vegetables—marinated sweet peppers, 烤小胡萝卜, blistered pole beans—share the dinner limelight with king salmon and chicken drumsticks. 的 brunch menu delineates between sweet and salty dishes, with Bánh mi Crêpes, and Chicken & Potato Flautas starring on the salty side; Ricotta Pancakes on the sweet. Whatever you order, add on a sweet potato cinnamon roll (and remember, you’re supposed to share).

    Ruhstaller Tap Room

    的 萨克拉门托 metropolitan area boasts more than 30 brew pubs, 酒吧, 还有精酿啤酒厂, 但在这个啤酒泛滥的城市, Ruhstaller 增加了一个复杂的转折. 来品尝18种啤酒中的一些, you ring a doorbell and descend the stairs to a softly lit speakeasy, where a quirky-chic vibe is highlighted by recycled wood paneling, 舒适的沙发, and brick walls lined with historic photos. Knock around the eight ball with your friends (the pool table is free), 花生零食, 和Ruhstaller的样品 1881年红麦酒, made with hops grown only 15 miles away at the brewery’s Dixon farm. 的 tap room bears the name of 淘金热 pioneer Captain Frank Ruhstaller, who helped to found the 萨克拉门托-based 布法罗啤酒公司., a late 1800s brewery that was the largest west of the Mississippi.


    时髦、现代、高贵, 索耶一家 is 萨克拉门托’s newest urban-elegant hotel, situated downtown next to the Golden1中心 而且离 国会大厦购物中心 和K街的 市区下议院(民政事务处). Check in here if you’re headed to a 萨克拉门托国王队 游戏, but even if you’re staying overnight on a business trip, take time to swim in the rooftop pool, savor a lamb burger or rib-eye steak at 回声 & 钻机牛排餐厅, bowl a few lanes or throw some darts at 潘趣碗社交,或者跟着DJ的节拍跳舞 复兴式屋顶酒廊. 和所有金普顿酒店一样, 索耶一家 doles out a bounty of guest-centric amenities, 比如免费出租自行车, 室内水疗服务, 宠物友好型的房间, and an evening wine hour in the lobby. 为了最好的城市景观, book a room on an upper floor overlooking the 萨克拉门托 River and Old Sac’s historic buildings.